Installation ============ Using pip (or ...) ------------------ :Category: Stable version :Precondition: :pypi:`pip` (or :pypi:`setuptools`) is installed Execute the following command to install :pypi:`behave` with :pypi:`pip`: pip install behave To update an already installed :pypi:`behave` version, use: pip install -U behave .. hint:: See also `pip related information`_ for installing Python packages. .. _`pip related information`: Using a Source Distribution --------------------------- After unpacking the :pypi:`behave` source distribution, enter the newly created directory "behave-" and run:: python install # OR: pip install . Using the GitHub Repository --------------------------- :Category: Bleeding edge :Precondition: :pypi:`pip` is installed Run the following command to install the newest version from the `GitHub repository`_:: pip install git+ To install a tagged version from the `GitHub repository`_, use:: pip install git+ where is the placeholder for an `existing tag`_. When installing extras, use ``#egg=behave[...]``, e.g.:: pip install git+[toml] .. _`GitHub repository`: .. _`existing tag`: Optional Dependencies --------------------- If needed, additional dependencies ("extras") can be installed using ``pip install`` with one of the following installation targets. ======================= =================================================================== Installation Target Description ======================= =================================================================== ``behave[docs]`` Include packages needed for building Behave's documentation. ``behave[develop]`` Optional packages helpful for local development. ``behave[formatters]`` Install formatters from `behave-contrib`_ to extend the list of :ref:`formatters ` provided by default. ``behave[toml]`` Optional toml package to configure behave from 'toml' files, like 'pyproject.toml' from `pep-518`_. ======================= =================================================================== .. _`behave-contrib`: .. _`pep-518`: Specify Dependency to "behave" ------------------------------ Use the following recipe in the ``"pyproject.toml"`` config-file if: * your project depends on `behave`_ and * you use a ``version`` from the git-repository (or a ``git branch``) EXAMPLE: .. code-block:: toml # -- FILE: my-project/pyproject.toml # SCHEMA: Use "behave" from git-repository (instead of: ) # "behave @ git+" # "behave @ git+" # "behave[VARIANT] @ git+" # with VARIANT=develop, docs, ... # SEE: [project] name = "my-project" ... dependencies = [ "behave @ git+", # OR: "behave[develop] @ git+", ... ] .. _behave: